
Get the help you need, at no cost!

Are you constantly required to manage product development, new menu item creation, food cost reduction, product improvement, quality control and a hundred other projects important to the success of your business? Do you have to accomplish all of these tasks with a limited budget and manpower?

Many businesses in the food services and food products industry have a constant requirement to manage and complete a large number of projects while having only a fraction of the manpower and budget to complete these projects in a timely manner. You may not have enough time and resources to accomplish all of your goals in the time you wish to accomplish them, or you may simply want to do more so that your company will succeed and grow, in either case you would definitely appreciate the benefit of having more resources, manpower and expertise at your disposal, especially if it was provided for free!

At Epicures Inc., we provide the extra manpower and additional resources your business needs to accomplish many of your goals, and we do it at no cost to our clients. We have many chefs, restaurant industry executives, food and beverage research and development professionals, purchasing experts, and manufacturing and distribution partners with decades of experience in the industry. We want to help connect our clients to just the right combination of industry professionals to help them with their new product ideation, product development, new menu development, purchasing, labor reduction, food cost reduction, product improvement, nutritional analysis, quality control and assurance, culinary support, general problem resolution, and much more.

At Epicures Inc., we are development partners, not brokers, so we do not represent any particular manufacturers; we represent your interests, the interests of our clients. This gives us the flexibility to work with any and all manufacturers available to deliver the products and services you need at the prices you want. We are able to provide you with all of the additional manpower and development services required for your business to succeed, at no cost to you. We are compensated by the manufacturers, not our clients, so you can enjoy all of the extra resources you need without increasing your budget or adding any extra costs. We are basically just an extension of your existing work force, here to help you with your projects without the hassle of any additional expenses. You simply give us a job to do, and we do it very well, at no cost to you.

I am sure there are many projects you have in your business, and many more projects you would like to begin if only you had the time, the staff, the equipment, the space, and the additional resources. Now, with Epicures Inc., you do. What can we start helping you with today?

Michael Becher PhD • President
Epicures Inc. • Columbus, Ohio
(614) 783-5283
